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Carlingford Cyclones Junior competition will start Friday 2nd October 2015 and be run out of the ground of TG Milner Fields at Eastwood.
Note : The Start Date has been postponed till the 9th October to Coincide with Dailylight Savings
The competition will run on Friday Nights and although details are still being finalized will start around 5.30pm
We are holding competitions for Girls and Boys and will include the following age Divisions
Under 10s – Born in 2005 or later
Under 12s – Born in 2003 or later
Under 14s – Born in 2001 or later
Under 16s – Born in 1999 or later
Under 18’s – Born in 1997 or Later
Carlingford Cyclones is affiliated with New South Wales Touch which provides opportunities for players to play in NSW Run Touch competitions including the NSW Junior State Cup
If you are registering a team click here
Individuals Register on the form Below
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